
编写:kesenhoo - 原文:http://developer.android.com/training/displaying-bitmaps/manage-memory.html

这节课将作为缓存Bitmaps课程的进一步延伸。为了优化垃圾回收机制与Bitmap的重用,我们还有一些特定的事情可以做。 同时根据Android的不同版本,推荐的策略会有所差异。DisplayingBitmaps的示例程序会演示如何设计我们的程序,使得它能够在不同的Android平台上高效地运行.


  • 在Android 2.2 (API level 8)以及之前,当垃圾回收发生时,应用的线程是会被暂停的,这会导致一个延迟滞后,并降低系统效率。 从Android 2.3开始,添加了并发垃圾回收的机制, 这意味着在一个Bitmap不再被引用之后,它所占用的内存会被立即回收。
  • 在Android 2.3.3 (API level 10)以及之前, 一个Bitmap的像素级数据(pixel data)是存放在Native内存空间中的。 这些数据与Bitmap本身是隔离的,Bitmap本身被存放在Dalvik堆中。我们无法预测在Native内存中的像素级数据何时会被释放,这意味着程序容易超过它的内存限制并且崩溃。 自Android 3.0 (API Level 11)开始, 像素级数据则是与Bitmap本身一起存放在Dalvik堆中。


管理Android 2.3.3及以下版本的内存使用

在Android 2.3.3 (API level 10) 以及更低版本上,推荐使用recycle()</a>方法。 如果在应用中显示了大量的Bitmap数据,我们很可能会遇到OutOfMemoryError的错误。 recycle()方法可以使得程序更快的释放内存。

Caution:只有当我们确定这个Bitmap不再需要用到的时候才应该使用recycle()。在执行recycle()方法之后,如果尝试绘制这个Bitmap, 我们将得到"Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap"的错误提示。


  • mDisplayRefCountmCacheRefCount 的引用计数均为 0;
  • bitmap不为null, 并且它还没有被回收。
private int mCacheRefCount = 0;
private int mDisplayRefCount = 0;
// Notify the drawable that the displayed state has changed.
// Keep a count to determine when the drawable is no longer displayed.
public void setIsDisplayed(boolean isDisplayed) {
    synchronized (this) {
        if (isDisplayed) {
            mHasBeenDisplayed = true;
        } else {
    // Check to see if recycle() can be called.

// Notify the drawable that the cache state has changed.
// Keep a count to determine when the drawable is no longer being cached.
public void setIsCached(boolean isCached) {
    synchronized (this) {
        if (isCached) {
        } else {
    // Check to see if recycle() can be called.

private synchronized void checkState() {
    // If the drawable cache and display ref counts = 0, and this drawable
    // has been displayed, then recycle.
    if (mCacheRefCount <= 0 && mDisplayRefCount <= 0 && mHasBeenDisplayed
            && hasValidBitmap()) {

private synchronized boolean hasValidBitmap() {
    Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
    return bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled();

管理Android 3.0及其以上版本的内存

从Android 3.0 (API Level 11)开始,引进了BitmapFactory.Options.inBitmap字段。 如果使用了这个设置字段,decode方法会在加载Bitmap数据的时候去重用已经存在的Bitmap。这意味着Bitmap的内存是被重新利用的,这样可以提升性能,并且减少了内存的分配与回收。然而,使用inBitmap有一些限制,特别是在Android 4.4 (API level 19)之前,只有同等大小的位图才可以被重用。详情请查看inBitmap文档


下面演示了如何将一个已经存在的Bitmap存放起来以便后续使用。当一个应用运行在Android 3.0或者更高的平台上并且Bitmap从LruCache中移除时,Bitmap的一个软引用会被存放在Hashset中,这样便于之后可能被inBitmap重用:

Set<SoftReference<Bitmap>> mReusableBitmaps;
private LruCache<String, BitmapDrawable> mMemoryCache;

// If you're running on Honeycomb or newer, create a
// synchronized HashSet of references to reusable bitmaps.
if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
    mReusableBitmaps =
            Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<SoftReference<Bitmap>>());

mMemoryCache = new LruCache<String, BitmapDrawable>(mCacheParams.memCacheSize) {

    // Notify the removed entry that is no longer being cached.
    protected void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, String key,
            BitmapDrawable oldValue, BitmapDrawable newValue) {
        if (RecyclingBitmapDrawable.class.isInstance(oldValue)) {
            // The removed entry is a recycling drawable, so notify it
            // that it has been removed from the memory cache.
            ((RecyclingBitmapDrawable) oldValue).setIsCached(false);
        } else {
            // The removed entry is a standard BitmapDrawable.
            if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
                // We're running on Honeycomb or later, so add the bitmap
                // to a SoftReference set for possible use with inBitmap later.
                        (new SoftReference<Bitmap>(oldValue.getBitmap()));


在运行的程序中,decode方法会检查看是否存在可重用的Bitmap。 例如:

public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromFile(String filename,
        int reqWidth, int reqHeight, ImageCache cache) {

    final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename, options);

    // If we're running on Honeycomb or newer, try to use inBitmap.
    if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
        addInBitmapOptions(options, cache);
    return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename, options);

下面的代码是上述代码片段中,addInBitmapOptions()方法的具体实现。 它会为inBitmap查找一个已经存在的Bitmap,并将它设置为inBitmap的值。 注意这个方法只有在找到合适且可重用的Bitmap时才会赋值给inBitmap(我们需要在赋值之前进行检查):

private static void addInBitmapOptions(BitmapFactory.Options options,
        ImageCache cache) {
    // inBitmap only works with mutable bitmaps, so force the decoder to
    // return mutable bitmaps.
    options.inMutable = true;

    if (cache != null) {
        // Try to find a bitmap to use for inBitmap.
        Bitmap inBitmap = cache.getBitmapFromReusableSet(options);

        if (inBitmap != null) {
            // If a suitable bitmap has been found, set it as the value of
            // inBitmap.
            options.inBitmap = inBitmap;

// This method iterates through the reusable bitmaps, looking for one
// to use for inBitmap:
protected Bitmap getBitmapFromReusableSet(BitmapFactory.Options options) {
        Bitmap bitmap = null;

    if (mReusableBitmaps != null && !mReusableBitmaps.isEmpty()) {
        synchronized (mReusableBitmaps) {
            final Iterator<SoftReference<Bitmap>> iterator
                    = mReusableBitmaps.iterator();
            Bitmap item;

            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                item = iterator.next().get();

                if (null != item && item.isMutable()) {
                    // Check to see it the item can be used for inBitmap.
                    if (canUseForInBitmap(item, options)) {
                        bitmap = item;

                        // Remove from reusable set so it can't be used again.
                } else {
                    // Remove from the set if the reference has been cleared.
    return bitmap;


static boolean canUseForInBitmap(
        Bitmap candidate, BitmapFactory.Options targetOptions) {

        // From Android 4.4 (KitKat) onward we can re-use if the byte size of
        // the new bitmap is smaller than the reusable bitmap candidate
        // allocation byte count.
        int width = targetOptions.outWidth / targetOptions.inSampleSize;
        int height = targetOptions.outHeight / targetOptions.inSampleSize;
        int byteCount = width * height * getBytesPerPixel(candidate.getConfig());
        return byteCount <= candidate.getAllocationByteCount();

    // On earlier versions, the dimensions must match exactly and the inSampleSize must be 1
    return candidate.getWidth() == targetOptions.outWidth
            && candidate.getHeight() == targetOptions.outHeight
            && targetOptions.inSampleSize == 1;

 * A helper function to return the byte usage per pixel of a bitmap based on its configuration.
static int getBytesPerPixel(Config config) {
    if (config == Config.ARGB_8888) {
        return 4;
    } else if (config == Config.RGB_565) {
        return 2;
    } else if (config == Config.ARGB_4444) {
        return 2;
    } else if (config == Config.ALPHA_8) {
        return 1;
    return 1;